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Tag: Health Insurance

Think You Don't Need Disability Insurance? Think Again!

Think You Don't Need Disability Insurance? Think Again!

It's not easy to think about the possibility of becoming disabled, suffering a serious illness, or becoming incapacitated. We understand these are difficult topics, but even if you are young and healthy, it may be time to have an honest conversation about disability insurance. This type of insurance coverage can protect you and your family should the unexpected occur. Disability insurance pays out when a...

Protect Your Assets With Long-Term Care Insurance

Protect Your Assets With Long-Term Care Insurance

Though it can be a difficult subject to think about, many of us will need assistance with basic needs of living when we reach old age. Long Term Care insurance (or LTC insurance) protects your savings and your other assets when you reach the point of needing help for everyday tasks such as bathing, meal preparation, cooking, shopping, laundry, administering medications, and so on. Long...

3 Things To Look For When Purchasing Group Health Insurance

3 Things To Look For When Purchasing Group Health Insurance

The Health Care Reform Act changed the rules with regard to health insurance plans for business owners, and it's important you put the right plan in place. We know the rules and can tell you exactly how this law will affect your company, as well as what options could help your bottom line. There are three things to look for when you are purchasing any...

Obamacare Enrollment Tips

Obamacare Enrollment Tips

When the Affordable Care Act (otherwise known as Obamacare) became law, the entire health insurance industry made a massive shift. Insurance plans changed and issues regarding pre-existing conditions were resolved. The problem that exists now is getting enrolled in the right health insurance plan. Whether you use the state or the federal website to enroll, it can be hard to do it right. For good...